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时间:2022-10-22 04:05:30 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2735字


Fall into a coma


麻───hemp;陷入───fall into


Guilin several Sichuan hemp of Ling Chuan burn the powder store!───桂林灵川的几家四川麻辣粉店!

Do natural fabrics refer to cotton, hemp, silk and wool?───自然布料指的是棉 、 麻 、 丝、和羊毛 吗 ?

Fibers of seed plants such as cotton, flax, and hemp are woven into cloth.───棉花、亚麻和大麻等种子植物的纤维被织成布。

There are myriads of flags enough to conceal the sun, and swords are as numerous as a field of hemp.───旌旗蔽日, 刀剑如麻.

The technology of hemp degumming and the selection of the aux.───比较了大麻与苎麻的性能;叙述了大麻的适度脱胶工艺及助剂选用.

Hemp is a source of durable fiber that provides an alternative to fabric, among other uses.───剑麻是耐用纤维的一个来源, 在其他用途上还提供一个除棉织物外的选择.

The hemp is the spinning and weaving raw material which has rich resources and good property.───大麻纤维是一种资源丰富和性能优良的纺织原料.

And your hemp robe shines, in the contrast with the sky.───穿着亚麻长袍, 你与天际两相辉映.


Twist a length of rope from strands of hemp.