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时间:2022-10-22 12:18:51 作者:趣历史 字数:2568字


We camped by the river


河边───the river front;野营───camp


The salon, a three-seater, must've been a front for other things, because it remained hidden way out on two-lane Pick Road, which dead-ended at a creek that fed the Savannah River.───这家只有三座的沙龙一定只是什么东西的前部,因为它一直隐藏着,远离两车道的皮克路——一条汇入萨瓦那河的小溪的尽头。

At nine in the evening, the whole vast river-front of the palace was blazing with light.───晚上九点整,宫殿前的河滨大马路上灯火通明。

Old Shanghai, the houses, the streets, the markets, the river front ...───老上海的房子、街道、市场以及河滩 ...

One day, many absolute being sees weather fine like, hold the party in the river front.───有一天,众神见天气睛好,在河畔设宴。

A claim was a spot of ground fifteen feet wide on the river front.───所谓的领属地即河床上15英尺宽的一块地。

A Oh, lots of things. Old Shanghai, the houses, the streets, the markets, the river front .───A哦,想看很多东西。老上海的房子、街道、市场以及河滩。
