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时间:2022-10-22 16:03:10 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2740字


Chong Hong




I will have no one punching anyone else up in my hotel.───在我的旅馆里我不让任何人动手同别人打架.

Mr. Norton's head jerked like a jabbed punching bag.───诺顿先生的头象戳破了的拳击吊袋一样陡然一动.

Our main technology include alloy gravity casting, die - casting, hydraulic and punching etc.───主要生产工艺有铝合金重力浇铸 、 压铸 、 液压、冲压等.

They just rolled about on the floor punching each other like schoolboys.───他们像小学生一样,在地板上滚来滚去,互相挥着拳头揍对方。

After punching him on the chin she wound up hitting him over the head.───她先挥拳打他的下巴,然后又打他的脑袋。

You think I need to come here to be your punching bag?───我认为我需要来这当你的沙袋 吗 ?

The three were occupied partly with eating cherries, partly with patting and punching the horse.───三人一边吃着樱桃, 一边在马身上拍拍打打.

Karate is a martial art that incorporates kicking, striking, and punching techniques.───空手道这种功夫融入了踢, 打及拳击技术.


The boys in the cartoon were punching each other - wham, zap!