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时间:2022-10-22 20:03:25 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2845字


Take pictures


拍图───Take pictures


They kept standing up to take pictures and point things out to each other.───他们不停地站起来照相,还相互指些东西给对方看。

You can't take pictures here.───你们不能在这儿拍照。

The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other.───游客们无事可做,只有相互拍照。

The laser sends out a bunch of light to the surface of the object, take pictures using the camera.───激光器发出一束激光打到物体表面上,利用摄像机拍摄下来。

For instance, they turn practically everybody into a potential human-rights activist, ready to take pictures or video of police brutality.───比如,它实际上将每个人都变为一个潜在的人权积极分子。时刻准备着记录警察的蛮横行为。

Today, one of my friends asked to take pictures of me for her photography class.───今天一个朋友请我做她的摄影作业模特。


Are you permitted to take pictures here?

The reflected glare may also cause underexposure. Take pictures at an angle to shiny surfaces to minimize flash reflections.

Maybe you should take pictures for school paper or shoot weddings and stuff.

Tourists are instructed to not take pictures inside the building.

The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other.