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时间:2022-10-22 20:04:36 作者:学习啦 字数:2786字


Almost never do housework




She is so particular about her housework that servants will not work for her.───她对家务活太挑剔了,以致于佣人们不愿给她干活.

Oakley locates housework in the wider context of economic, social and political structures.───奥克利把家务置于更广泛的经济、社会和政治结构背景中。

There is a maid to do the housework.───有个女仆做家务事。

How much do men share housework and the care of the children?───男人分担多少家务和照看小孩的工作?

She stays at home doing the housework.───她呆在家里作家务.

They share the housework equally.───他们平均分担家务。

He always acts the martyr when he has to do the housework.───他一做家务事就装成舍生取义的样子.

Ellen Malos, in her introduction to "The Politics of Housework", provides a summary of the debates.───埃伦·马洛斯在她为《家务政治学》一书所作的序言中对这些争论进行了总结。


I spent all morning doing the housework.

I spent all morning doing housework.

Her hands were roughened by housework.

She is in charge of the housework.

How much do men share housework and the care of the children?