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时间:2022-10-23 04:11:53 作者:语文迷 字数:2503字


East to West


东倒───Fall to the East;欹───He's a good friend


I traveled to Eritrea last fall with my wife, Courtenay, from Nairobi, Kenya, where I am based as The Times's bureau chief for East Africa.───我和妻子柯迪南去年去了厄立特里亚,当时我在肯尼亚的内罗毕担任时代周刊东非组的负责人。

This surge has underpinned rapid economic growth, but is now ending. The share of the working-age population in East Asia will peak this decade and fall to 57% by 2050.───这促进了经济的增长,但现在这种好处要结束了:十年内该人群在东亚会到达顶峰,而到2050年会下降到57%。

snow began to fall as the ship slowly advanced to within sight of a beigy-yellowy something moving from west to east, a speck of life behind it.───一个世界,船缓慢地向前航行时,天开始下起雪来。 可以看见米黄色的动物从西向东移动,随后还有几只跟随。


The mountains fall to the east to the flat expanse of the plateau.