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时间:2022-10-23 12:04:23 作者:语文迷 字数:3043字


Minced sesame and seaweed




Sprinkle with the chopped spring onions and drizzle in light soya sauce and sesame oil.───大火蒸12分钟.洒入葱花,淋上生抽麻油即可食用.

He always adds some sesame oil into the vinegar while eating dumplings.───他吃饺子时总是在醋中加一些芝麻油.

Ingredients: Wheat flour, Edible Vegetable Oil, Sugar, Wheat Bran, Sesame, Egg, Salt Wheat.───配料表: 小麦粉 、 食用植物油 、 白砂糖、麦麸皮 、 芝麻 、 麦纤 、 鸡蛋 、 食盐(素食可用).

A college education is no longer open sesame to success.───大学文凭不再是成功的法宝.

Then the lamb is dipped into sauces and condiments, and eaten together with round sesame buns.───然后羊肉蘸辣酱调味品, 跟芝麻饼一起吃.

Even Sesame Street can get serious.───即使是《芝麻街》也可以很严肃。

Eat more nuts and sesame seeds on the good hair, while also handling hair.───多吃些核桃和黑芝麻对头发很好, 另外还要勤梳头.

As elementary school textbooks's briefcase monkeys always lost to Sesame watermelon.───如同小学课本里的那只猴子,总是为了芝麻丢了西瓜.


Academic success is not always an open sesame to a well-paid job.

What I would have given for a sesame bap.

Being the boss's daughter is not an open sesame to every well - paid job in the firm.

My grandmother loves pounding sesame seeds up for special flavour.

Mix breadcrumbs, sesame seeds and almonds.