However, the problems such as tension between the populace and legislators remained unresolved.───当然诸如立法上公众与立法人员冲突、司法介入教育决策的程式等等问题仍有待解决.
The Wei Drum is a folk performance modality with long history, and appeals to the populace.───围鼓历史悠久,是人民喜闻乐见的一种民间文艺形式, 已成为人民生活不可或缺的重要组成部分.
These films have been able to tap into an increasingly affluent populace.───这些影片得以分享了中国老百姓越来越鼓的钱包.
Organized religion, and controlling establishments, view the human populace as their herds.───有组织的宗教, 以及控制机构, 视人类老百姓为他们的畜产.
In a counterinsurgency, we've quickly learned they must be immersed into the local populace.───在镇压叛乱的行动中, 我们很快认识我们的部队必须融入到地方平民中.
The populace remained unusually silent as Hitler drove by.───老百姓异乎寻常地沉默,听凭希特勒从旁而过.
However, the problems such as tensions between the populace and legislators remained unresolved.───当然诸如立法上公众与立法人员冲突、法介入教育决策的程度等等问题仍有待解决.
The Roman populace enjoyed gardens attached to the public baths.───罗马的公众则很喜欢公共浴室附带的庭院花园.
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