I love this family
爱───love;这个家───This family
They spread a lot of tacky gossip about his love life.───关于他的爱情生活,他们散播了许多不堪的闲言闲语.
They vowed solemnly never to love anyone else.───海誓山盟,各无他志.
I love the delightful odour of freshly roasted coffee beans.───我喜欢新烘咖啡豆的清香气味.
This inspired in them a love for learning.───这使他们产生了学习的热情.
Classical music leaves me absolutely cold, but I love rock.───古典音乐一点也引不起我的兴趣, 我喜欢搖滾乐.
I love reading: I have an insatiable appetite for vicarious experience.───我喜欢读书,对于体验间接经历有一种不能满足的渴求.
He would not do the work for love or money.───不管怎样他也不做这工作.
It's only cupboard love; she wants some sweets!───别看她那么讨人喜欢, 她要吃糖!
Dianne declared her undying love for Sam.
All's fair in love and war.Anne Frank
Love makes the world go round.
Above all, I love Mark Twain.
Falling out of lovers is the renewing of love.