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时间:2022-10-23 16:02:35 作者:趣历史 字数:2893字


It's so warm


暖心───Warm heart;好───good


While the treats may be ice cold, Maria has a warm heart for little faces.───虽然这些“小礼物”是冷冰冰的,但玛丽亚对孩子们的心是温暖的。

A cold hand and a warm heart.───[谚]手冷心肠热.

Her letter conveys that she has a warm heart.───他的信表达了他有一颗热心肠.

What if my trousers are shabby and worn; they cover a warm heart.───我的裤子破破烂烂又怎么样, 它遮掩着的是一颗热情的心哪.

Cold hands warm heart.───冷手可以暖热心.

There is a warm heart under his ugly face.───在他丑陋的面孔下面有一颗温暖的心.

I and mother hiding in a roadside snack bar, drinking hot soup, warm heart.───我和妈妈躲在路边小吃店里, 喝着热乎乎的汤, 心里暖暖的.

If the center of your flower is a circle, but your petals are pointy, you are probably hiding a warm heart behind a prickly defensiveness.───如果花心是圆形的,但是花瓣确是尖的,那你可能是把一颗温暖的心隐藏在多刺的防御后面。


Cold hands, warm heart.

He has a warm heart.

A good mind and a warm heart can be made impotent if there is no commitment.

Slogan: With gourd pyrography and a warm heart, Beijing people welcome you.

It recognized what was climbing up toward it from the warm heart of the Solar System.