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时间:2022-10-23 20:05:10 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2581字


He lent me something




When everything is running smoothly, why must he step in and foul thing up?───一切正在顺利进行时, 为什么他一定要插进去把事情弄糟 呢 ?

Can you pass me that thing over there?───把那边那个东西递给我好吗?

Don't judge a thing from the outside.───别从外表看事物.

I have a thing around celery. I can't stand it.───我很讨厌芹菜, 我无法忍受它(的味道).

I'd sooner die than do this sort of thing.───叫我做这种事,倒不如叫我死.

Whoever could have done such a dreadful thing?───究竟是谁能干出这种可怕的事 呢 ?

Mary has been telling me a thing or two about the Russians.───玛丽告诉我不少关于俄国人的事.

Jane did such a thing, she is really as silly as a goose.───简竟然干出这种事, 她实在是太蠢了.


The shortest answer is doing the thing.

That's a fine thing to say!

There's no such thing as bad publicity.

Poor thing! You look absolutely dreadful!

This is the first thing to do.