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时间:2022-10-24 00:00:33 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2952字


Only good


惟良───Only good


Men say that we are only good for cooking their meals and mending their socks.───男人们说我们只擅长给他们做饭和补袜子。

I bought a shirt because it was not only good in quality but also reasonable in price.───我买一件衬衫因为它不但质量好,而且价格合理。

They are only good enough to light a fire with.───它们只够用来生火。

It would be appalling, I'd go so far as to say disgusting, if this was doctored or entirely fabricated. My intentions are only good.───它将是可怕的,如果这有被篡改或完全捏造,我会有咁远走咁远去说恶心话,我是只有好的意图。

But she could at least be good, and if she were only good enough, Heaven would invent some way of reconciling all things.───她至少可以做到驯顺,如果她够驯顺的话,上天也许会发明一种方式使各种事情都得到调和。

Many veteran cadres think the only good cadres are those who support them, and this seems to be a widespread phenomenon in the Party.───好像我们党里有一种风气,就是在老干部里头有相当一部分人认为谁拥护自己谁就是好干部。


This is only good sense on the part of the bail-bonds industry.

Only good team work will enable us to get the job done on time.

There are only good and bad diets.

Only good can come from loving company.

The only good Indian is a dead Indian.