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时间:2022-10-24 00:04:05 作者:星火作文 字数:2862字


Would you like to have a taste


想来───I want to come;尝一尝───taste


That is why I want to come back, even if it means cleaning the streets of Kabul.───这就是我要回来的原因,即便回来清扫喀布尔的街道也罢。

I think I want to come back to America with that experience.───回到美国我会告诉所有人我的经历。

I called Anderlecht and said, "This is the situation, I want to come back."───我给安德莱赫特队打电话说,‘就是这个情况,我想回去。’

"What I want to do is when I retire, I don't know how, but I want to come back to Arsenal, " he said.───亨利说,“我退役之后要做什么呢,我现在也不知道,但我想回到阿森纳。”

' Please wait a minute! ' I called to my sister. ' I want to come with you. '───“请等一下!”我冲姐姐喊道。“我想和你一起去。”

I want to come with you to Alderaan. There's nothing here for me now.───我跟你一起去奥的朗这儿我已无所留恋


I want to come back to-- I told you that monoline was in the news a lot lately.

Sometimes I want to come loose beguilement, he also does not agree, he himself goes out to play in the evening every day however, saying is to have what dinner party, hum, who can believe!

Harrison, I want to come to a stop on their starboard beam.