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时间:2022-10-24 03:59:46 作者:趣历史 字数:2842字


Xiang Yuan


乡元───Xiang Yuan


This is a page about postal code of "Chen Bu Xiang Zhe Yuan Xing Zheng Cun , Lujiang County, Chaohu City, Anhui Province, China", with area information and online map.───这是关于“中国大陆安徽省巢湖市庐江县陈埠乡柘元行政村”邮政编码的网页,以及详细地区信息和在线地图。

The new reign of King Xiang is more stupid than his father, banished Qu Yuan to the Chinese and the North than the more remote areas.───新即位的楚襄王比他父亲更昏庸,把屈原放逐到比汉北更偏僻的地方。

Yang Yang, 32 Jin Yuan Xiang, Wu Hou Qu; (86-28) 8523-1394. A meal for two, without drinks or tip, is about 150 renminbi.───杨杨餐厅,武侯区锦苑巷32号,电话(86-28) 8523-1394。两人就餐约需150人民币(不含酒水和小费)。

One of the businesses that closed this week was Zhejiang Xiang Yuan Steel Industry Co. , state media said.───国有媒体报道说,本周倒闭的小企业之一是浙江祥源钢业有限公司。

Xiang Yu Cargo Route connect to Xiang, Yuan, Chuan, Yu four provinces(cities) of main economical area, with sufficient supply.───湘渝航线连接湘、鄂、川、渝四省(市)经济腹地,货源充足。

My friends, the Mai Xiang Yuan has arrived at the terminus . Thank you! Good night!───朋友们,麦香园号已经抵达终点站。感谢您的光临,祝您晚安。
