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时间:2022-10-24 04:01:38 作者:语文迷 字数:2715字


Right in the game




The color of the shirt does not match that of the coat.───衬衫的颜色与上衣不相配.

His running commentary on the football match was excellent.───他对这次足球赛所作的实况报道十分精彩.

I've laid the fire in the hearth, all you have to do is to put a match to it.───我已在火炉里放好木柴,作好了生火准备, 你只要把它点燃就行了.

a match played under floodlights───泛光灯下进行的比赛

The football match came to an end, and the crowd soon cleared away from the ground.───足球赛结束了, 人群很快从球场散去.

He should have won the match—it was a near miss.───这场比赛本该是他赢的—真是功亏一篑。

We'll have to cancel the cricket match, it's raining cats and dogs.───雨下得太大了, 我们将只得取消板球比赛了.

Bill is no match for his younger brother at chess.───比尔下棋不是他弟弟的对手.


A match will set fire to a large building.

We had a friendly match with them.

Despite a bright start, Liverpool lost the match.

We're going to a match on Sunday.

Whatever your colour scheme, there's a fabric to match.