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时间:2022-10-24 04:03:31 作者:趣历史 字数:2856字


Ma Wu


马杌───Ma Wu


Ma Wu's hostler took care of three horses and one carriage.───马武将军有个马夫,分管三匹马、一辆车,整天跟车马打交道.

Zuoxi and Ma Shuya, two famous local actors were on site with their new TV soap 'Da Yahuan', causing a stir among the surrounding audience.───著名影视明星吴卓羲和马娅舒带着其新出的电视剧《大丫鬟》前来,与观众、媒体的互动引得了一片叫好声。

Ma Wu asked the hostler, " Where do the weeds grow? "───马武问马夫: “ 治病的猪耳草长在什么地方 啊 ? ”

" Ha - ha , " Ma Wu laughed heartily and said, " what a che - qian - cao! "───马 武 哈哈大笑.说: “ 好个车前草. ”

LIU Liu, Liu seven ANALYSIS Liu Chuang ( MA Wu Northwest business ) people.───刘六 、 刘七文安县刘庄子 ( 马武营西北 ) 人.

Blue or green types of facial makeup in operas that some of the figures represented irritable, such as Dou Ambassador, Ma Wu;───蓝色或绿色的脸谱表示一些粗豪暴躁的人物,如窦尔敦、马武等;

train will stop service at Lok Ma Chau. Passengers for Lo Wu, please change train at Sheung Shui.───本班列车以落马洲为终点站,往罗湖既乘客,请系上水站转车。


Ma Wu asked the hostler, " Where do the weeds grow? "