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时间:2022-10-24 08:04:35 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2410字


The postman


邮檄人───The postman


The postman ran away with the dog nipping at his heel.───邮递员跑开了,狗在身后紧追着要咬他.

" The postman gave it to us.───“ 邮递员交给我们的. ”

The postman rang the bell because he had a parcel / package to deliver.───邮递员按门铃叫门投递包裹.

The postman is loaded down with all those parcels.───那位邮差承担着所有的邮件.

The postman argued away his misdelivery of the mail.───那个邮递员为他误投邮件的事辩解.

Has the postman been yet?───邮递员来过了吗?

Our dog went at the postman.───我们的狗扑向邮递员.

The postman sent you here.───邮差把你送到这的。


The postman has just delivered a package for you.

Has the postman been here yet?

Look whether the postman has been yet.

The postman hasn't been here yet.

Our dog went at the postman.