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时间:2022-10-24 16:02:16 作者:星火作文 字数:2487字


But you have to pay attention


注意───be careful;你───you


Children must be taught to be careful of traffic.───必须教育孩子要当心车辆.

Be careful!' he yelled.───他大叫道:“当心!”

Be careful lifting that heavy box — you'll do yourself an injury!───抬那个重箱子要小心——你会把自己弄伤的!

Be careful not to scald yourself with the steam.───小心别让蒸汽把你烫着。

Be careful with that dress; it's only pinned on.───当心那件衣服, 它只是用别针别上去的.

You have to be careful what you say on telly.───在电视上说话时你必须很谨慎。

Be careful she's not just using you.───当心她不只是在利用你。

Be careful not to be beaten up by the enemy.───当心别遭敌人暗算.


Be careful of what you say.

If you can't be good, be careful

Be careful not to overstay your visa.

Be careful not to capsize the boat.

Be careful crossing that main road.