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时间:2022-10-24 16:03:42 作者:语文迷 字数:2848字


Class starts at eight o'clock. You must be on time


八点钟───eight o'clock;上课───attend class;class begins


I've been on the go ever since eight o'clock this morning.───我从早晨八点钟起就一直忙个不停.

We concluded the meeting at eight o'clock with a prayer.───我们在八点钟以祈祷结束了会议.

"It's almost eight o'clock." As if on cue the bell in the chapel began to toll for Matins.───“快8点了。”恰好在这时小教堂晨祷的钟声敲响了。

Wake up! It's eight o'clock.───醒醒吧!已经八点钟了。

"What time is it?" — "Eight o'clock."───“几点钟了?”——“8点钟。”

The children had to get themselves off to school as both their parents went out to work at eight o'clock.───由于父母都在八点钟去上班了,孩子们只好自己去上学.

Knock at my window at eight o'clock and I'll be ready.───8点钟敲我的窗,我会准备好的。

Please be here by eight o'clock at the latest.───请最晚在九点之前到这里.


He went by the eight o'clock train.

I've been on the go ever since eight o'clock this morning.

I didn't leave the office until eight o'clock last night.

Wake up! It's eight o'clock.

I invited him for eight o'clock, but he didn't show up until nine-thirty.