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时间:2022-10-25 00:00:17 作者:学习啦 字数:2836字


I'm in class five, grade three


五班───the fifth class;三年───three years


The whole thing lasts about a fifth of a second and it happens everywhere in the world -- to everyone regardless of age, race, or class.───这整个过程会持续五分之一秒,它发生在世界的每个角落,每个人的身上——与年龄,人种,阶级无关。

After all, she has degrees in marketing and botany from a well-regarded school in this central Chinese city, and she ranked in the top fifth of her class.───毕竟,她所在的这所学校是华中地区的重点大学,而且她获得了营销学和植物学两个学位,成绩也在班里排前五名。

By fifth grade, a child at the bottom of the class reads only about 60, 000 words a year in and out of school, compared to a child in the middle of the class who reads about 800, 000 words a year.───到五年级的时候,班级落后的学生一年课内课外阅读量只有六万字,班级中等的学生一年大概读了八十万字。

All the fifth-class girls said, "Oh! " partly in excitement, partly in dismay.───所有五年级的女孩子们一半兴奋,一半惊恐,都“噢”了一声。

Today, we usher in the fifth class squadron re-election committee.───今天,我们班迎来了第五次中队委改选。

The fifth class city consists of Zaozhuang and Heze city.───第五类包括枣庄和荷泽市。
