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时间:2022-10-25 00:02:37 作者:星火作文 字数:2953字


I need to sleep in anger


愤怒觉───Sense of anger;睡───sleep


Now it had happened in my own country, my own city, my own backyard, and the sense of anger had an edge that was even more personal.───现在,它出现在了我自己的国家,我自己的城市,我自己的后院,这种出离的愤怒变得更加个人化。

who respond to stressful situations with short-term anger or indignation have a sense of control and optimism that lacks in those who respond with fear.───那些在面对压力情景会小小发作或者生气的人,实际上拥有一种控制感和乐观精神,这是那些在同样情形下感到害怕的人所没有的。

I don't think the rage, the anger, and the sense of the presence of God are antagonistic.───我不认为暴怒、生气与上帝的存在背道而驰。

"To begin with, I had a real sense of anger and then a sense of determination, " says Prof Stockley.───“起初,我感到真切的愤怒,然后便下定了决心,”斯托克利表示。

The clouds had obscured the moon that night, and the whole area surrounding the dark statue was filled with a sense of anger and malice.───云彩遮暗了夜和围拢黑暗的雕象的整体区域充满愤怒和毒心感觉的月亮。


The sense of anger and outrage within the community seemed to grow by the hour.

But the miners' sense of anger at the prolonged destruction of their industry is also worthy of note.