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时间:2022-10-25 08:01:43 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2832字


Floods in China


洪灾───big flood;中国───China


loot of hundred years especially big flood that does not encounter of people live home.───的特大洪水洗劫了人们的生存家园。

Then we suffered from a big flood.───然后我们遭遇了一场大洪水。

The disaster like a big flood is approaching.───那大洪水似的灭顶之灾,正一步一步地逼近。

This big flood hit the northern Hemisphere, if not the whole earth. It was an AGE of great myths in China as it was elsewhere.───滔天洪水使北半球陷入没顶之灾,其他地区也受到侵扰。这是中国的神话时代,其他地区亦诞生大量神话。

He said: "imagine (usually), calm rivers will have such a big flood. "───他说:“难以想象(平时)如此平静的河流会产生这么大的洪水。”

After the heavy rain there was a big flood and water came into our house.───那场大雨后闹了洪水,我们的家都淹了。


The flood discharge and energy dissipation of Xiluodu Hydroelectric Plant are characterized with narrow valley, big flood discharge capacity and high head.

Preparatory calculation indicates that the diverted water of one flood peak is not as much as one percent of the cabage of a big flood water storage zone.

It is said that there has been a big flood.