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时间:2022-10-26 00:00:18 作者:趣历史 字数:2704字


My little fan


小迷弟───Little fan;我───I


turns out that the AJAX Control Toolkit project began accepting patches via a "patch Utility" back in April with little fan-fair.───四月份开始,AJAX控件工具包项目开始通过一个“Patch工具”来接受补丁。

Ginkgo biloba are like little fan hung on a tree, while the wind came, the golden ginkgo leaves just like a little butterfly dance, dropped to the ground a golden pile of blankets.───银杏叶像一把把小扇子挂在树上,一阵风吹过来,银杏叶像一只只金色的小蝴蝶翩翩起舞,落在地上堆成了金色的毯子。

Covering an area of 47 square kilometers, the little fan-shaped town glimmers like a bright pearl in the landscape of lakes and mountains.───小镇面积47平方公里,呈扇形铺开,在湖山之间犹如一颗珍珠熠熠生辉。

It turns out that the AJAX Control Toolkit project began accepting patches via a " Patch Utility" back in April with little fan-fair.───从四月份开始,AJAX控件工具包项目开始通过一个“Patch工具”来接受补丁。

Ginkgo tree leaves are like little fan, fan door that was, fan away the heat of the summer.───银杏树的叶子像一把把小扇子,扇那扇那,扇走了夏天的炎热。
