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时间:2022-10-26 12:01:46 作者:星火作文 字数:2625字


fall ill


染疾───fall ill


Did pet darling fall ill how to do?───宠物宝宝生病了怎么办 啊 ?

What method need not make him old fall ill?───有什么办法可以不让自己老生病?

The child: " Mom, did the mice of our home fall ill? "───孩子: “ 妈妈, 我们家的老鼠生病了 吗 ? ”

Does darling fall ill have a fever with what method antifebrile the fastest best?───宝宝生病发烧用什么方法退热最快最好?

Why do I always fall ill?───为什么我总是生病?

A week after his admission into the army , he fall ill.───他入伍后一星期就病了.

If such movements are obstructed, abnormal circumstances will occur and people will fall ill.───如果这种运动受阻, 就会出现异常情况,人就会得病.

Does arrhythmia calculate be fall ill? Should go seeing a doctor?───心律不齐算不算是生病? 要去看医生 吗 ?


He fell ill and eventually died.

On the trip, one of our number fell ill.

He fell ill and died soon after.

He was on his annual pilgrimage to Mecca when he fell ill.

She fell ill/was taken ill suddenly.