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时间:2022-10-26 12:03:51 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2694字


Elephant zebra monkey tiger lion




But when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up.───但是当他们通过斑马线过繁华的马路时, 交通就被阻碍了.

The zebra is related to the horse.───斑马和马有亲缘关系.

The woman listens to a Walkman and looks at the zebra in the zoo.───那个女人一边听随声听,一边看着动物园里的斑马.

The black and white lineslines on a Zebra so it's called a'Zebra crossing '.───斑马身上的黑色白色的条纹叫斑马线,所以人行道也叫斑马线.

Eclyse a zebra head. The first half of her body is like a white horse.───艾克莉丝有颗斑马头, 身体的前半部有如白马,另一半则像斑马.

Take the zebra crossing, pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road.───过马路要走斑马线 、 人行天桥或地下通道!

The zebra fell a prey to the lion.───那斑马被狮子所捕食.

Which is important stuff for figuring out who gets the tastiest cut of zebra.───这些信息是决定谁可以得到最美味的斑马肉的重要依据.


The zebra is a wild African horse with black and white stripes.