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时间:2022-10-26 16:01:11 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2904字


I come from Lincang


临沧───Lincang;来自───come from


I fell in love with a man Lincang, But the city, I do not know can not adapt to?───我爱上了临沧的一个男的,可是那个城市,我不知道能不能适应?

Lincang coal ash holds much less, about 300ppm.───临沧煤灰的铀含量比这少得多,大约有300ppm。

Once these facility indicators are confirmed, those associated with the site project management (e. g., Lincang) will be determined.───一旦这些指标证实,与项目点(比如,临沧)的专案管理将会被确定。

Lincang is " Dianhong" the birthplace of tea, Pu'er tea is one of the main origin, has a long history of tea production.───临沧是“滇红”茶的发源地,是普洱茶的主要原产地之一,茶叶生产历史悠久。

There is an internal and extensive connection as well as obvious distinctions between Mandarin and Lincang dialect.───临沧方言与普通话在语音系统上既有内在的广泛联系,又有较为显著的差别。

Yunnan is the origin of tea, Simao, Xishuangbanna and Lincang, Dali part of the region is the center of origin of tea.───云南是茶,思茅,西双版纳,临沧,大理地区的一部分来源是茶的起源中心。


Lincang granite intrusive body is a composite batholith formed by polyphasic intrusion, whose main rock type is the biotite adamellite.