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时间:2022-10-26 16:04:09 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2757字


Eating out


外食───Eating out


At the end of a month club leader had the unruly youths eating out of his hand.───在月底,俱乐部领导人把几个难管的青年搞得服服帖帖.

We don'tlike paying through the nose for our wine when eating out.───下馆子时,我们不喜欢在酒水上花很多钱。

My interests: eating out, fun nights in, music and laughter.───我的爱好是:到外面上馆子,晚上在家娱乐,听音乐,寻乐子。

I'll soon have him eating out of my hand.───很快我就会叫他顺从我.

You saved money by not eating out and going to the movies with her.───你省下和她吃饭和看电影的钱.

She usually has the press eating out of her hand.───她通常都能将新闻界抓在自己手心。

I myself enjoy cinema, poetry, eating out and long walks.───我本人喜欢电影、诗歌、外出吃饭和远途散步。

I myself enjoy movies, poetry, eating out, and long walks.───我本人喜欢电影、诗歌、外出就餐和远足。


Do you feel like eating out tonight?

She'll have them eating out of her hand in no time.

What do you say to eating out tonight?

We're eating out more often than we used to.

She soon had the class eating out of her hand.