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时间:2022-10-26 20:00:16 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2508字


Fine tone


纤仄───Fine tone


Dry skin can easily develop a sallow tone, wrinkles, and fine pores, and it is very prone to aging and irritating.───干性皮肤很容易变的暗哑,长皱纹,并且毛孔很细。很容易衰老,易受刺激。

Minerals work well with oily skin, have a natural SPF, and enhance the protective effect of antioxidant enzymes in the skin that help prevent fine lines and uneven tone, " advises Graf.───矿物成分能很好地和油性肤质亲和,加上自然的防晒系数,就能提高皮肤中的抗氧化酶的保护效应,从而帮助抵御皮肤的幼纹和一些不平衡基调。

She is listen to "attaining to prevent fine lines and restore skin tone," the ads and efforts to carry out maintenance.───她是听信“敷脸能防止细小皱纹,并恢复皮肤张力”的广告而努力地进行保养。

The frank shrewdness in her eyes, and her fine tone of voice were guarantees that she was respectable at the table.───她眼里那种一望而知的精明,以及她优美的音调,都足以保证她是饭桌上受人尊敬的人。
