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时间:2022-10-26 20:04:58 作者:语文迷 字数:3063字


Infernal Affairs Tiantai lines


无间道───Infernal Affairs;天台───rooftop


I loved him in Infernal Affairs, one of my favorite movies.───我爱《无间道》里的他,那是我最喜欢的电影之一.

Could you talk about your impressive covert role in Infernal Affairs?───你能谈一下你对这个角色在阴险情节中印象吗?

I have seen him in 2046, In the Mood for love , Infernal Affairs.───我已经看了《2046》 、 《花样年华》和《无间道》.

When I saw Infernal Affairs is when he caught my eye.───当我看《无间道》的时候,他一下子吸引住了我。

I thought his best performance was in Infernal Affairs, though.───我认为他最好的表演是在《无间道》。

" Could you talk about your impressive covert role in Infernal Affairs? "───“ 你能谈一下你对这个角色在阴险情节中印象 吗 ? ”


Gammon Skanska introduced its safety management system through the medium of a story about an undercover agent with inspirations from the famous local film Infernal Affairs.

Could you talk about your impressive covert role in Infernal Affairs?

This script was also edited by the scriptwriter of "Infernal Affairs" and him.

I loved him in Chungking Express, In the Mood for Love, Infernal Affairs, 2046, Happy together, Bullet in the Head and Hardboiled.

We are school drama, the role of the view that every act should be a reason, so make "Infernal Affairs" to explore areas of human nature in black and white ash torment and suffering.