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时间:2022-10-27 00:02:24 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3083字


All in one


一网───One network;尽───all


Core groups have low latency (only one network hop) between members.───核心组成员之间延迟较低(只有一个网络跃点)。

SQL statements are sent over wire in bulk in one network trip.───sql语句通过线缆在一次网络行程中批量传递。

This defines one network per Ethernet adapter.───这对每个Ethernet适配器定义一个网络。

Although in many cases there is only one network that must be shared for data and management; this can compound any scaling issues.───尽管在许多情况下只有一个网络必须是共享的(用于数据和管理),但是这可能导致许多伸缩问题。

In big cities the user is usually in range of more than one network cell.───在城市里通常我们会处于几个基站的发射范围中。

Since the development of the city of Zhangjiajie has basically formed water, land, air traffic three-in-one network, in and out very easily.───张家界市自开发以来,已基本形成水运、陆路、航空三位一体的交通网络,进出十分便捷。


You must configure at least one network adapter before the computer can be promoted.

Dual mode mobile phones have more than one air interface and hence can work on more than one network.

Following aspects are introduced one by one: network structure of the backup system, the procedure of data backup, data recovery and disaster recovery policy.

Introduces a - master technology based on MODBUS, which allin one network into one master - in - charge and several - in - listening.