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时间:2022-10-27 00:03:59 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3841字


Mutual benefit and win win


互利───of mutual benefit;共赢───win-win


China always upholds the principle of mutual benefit on an equal footing in trade and economic cooperation.───中国开展对外经贸合作一直秉持平等互利原则。

The WTO remains one of our most important priorities... And is of mutual benefit to Russia and the U.S..───加入WTO仍是我们最重要的工作重点之一,对俄罗斯和美国都有利。

China and the European Union have become important trading partners of mutual benefit and cooperation.───中国和欧盟已经成为非常重要的互利合作的贸易伙伴.

Bound in an alliance of mutual benefit, clownfish spend their entire lives with their host anemones, rarely straying more than a few yards from them.───在互利共生的约束中,小丑鱼一生与宿主海葵生活在一起,很少游出超过它们几米的地方。

In the principle of mutual benefit the company welcomed the calls and all the friends!───本着互惠互利的原则本公司欢迎各界朋友来电询恰!

Grand - commerce firms, founded in 2005, good faith cooperation, the principle of mutual benefit for King Services.───君悦商贸行成立于2005年, 本着诚信合作 、 互惠互利的原则为君服务.

In the principle of mutual benefit and users to establish long - term friendly and cooperative partnership.───本着互惠互利的原则和用户建立 长期 友好的合作伙伴关系.

It usually involve a feeling of mutual benefit arising from the new relationship.───它通常包含源于这种新型关系的一种互利互惠的感觉.


As a result of system conversion, historical lamination and external terms, it is necessary to update notion, reform system and seek good external terms of mutual benefit in cooperation.

China insists its involvement is even-handed and of mutual benefit to its African partners.

First. A and B according to the principle of mutual benefit. construct the business partnership and sign to this co- marketing agreement .

Each of the two regions should carry on its advantages and strengthen the cooperative communication with the other, so as to create a new situation of mutual benefit.

Our company a win - win situation of mutual benefit principle, with the hope that more successful companies.