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时间:2022-10-27 12:00:42 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2907字


Against the sky


逆天───Against the sky


The castle stands out against the sky.───这座城堡矗立天际。

They saw the huge building outlined against the sky.───他们看见了在天空的映衬下那座巨大建筑的轮廓。

The mountain was sharply defined against the sky.───那座山在天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明。

For a moment the flashing crimson curve of the blade was a second moon against the sky, an old, red crescent moon.───片刻之间,这利刃划出的猩红色曲线,就如同另一个月亮,在夜空中闪烁,那是一个古老的、红色的新月。

Let us go then you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherised upon a table. . . . . .───这就让我们走吧,你跟我,当黄昏摊开在天边,像病人麻醉在手术台上。

' Invited to a tribal wedding, Williams did not photograph the 'girls in bright silks and heavy coin necklaces . . . ranged against the sky.───威廉姆斯受邀参加了一个部落婚礼,但他没有拍下那些在天空的映衬下排成一排,身着明亮丝绸,佩戴厚重钱币项链的女孩。


They saw the huge building outlined against the sky.

The old gravel mine crouched against the sky.

These giraffes were first seen positioned against the sky.

The mountain was sharply defined against the sky.

The mountain looks magnificent against the sky.