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时间:2022-10-27 16:01:00 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2840字


Friends of friends


朋友的友───Friends of friends


Can be added through Battle.net email invite and Friends of Friends or via facebook?───可以通过Battle.net电子邮箱邀请也可以通过朋友的朋友或通过Facebook来加好友。

In response, you'd get texts telling you which of your friends (or friends of friends) were nearby.───作为回应,你也会收到一些信息,显示附近出现的你的朋友(或朋友的朋友)。

Talk to your friends, and your friends of friends.───与你的朋友交流,或你朋友的朋友。

So friends-of-friends is an excellent place to start if you're trying to expand your circle.───所以,如果你想扩大交际圈,“朋友的朋友”是一个很好的开始之处。

They then looked through friends of friends on Facebook to find the name of an individual they believed to be responsible.───于是他们就在脸谱上通过查看朋友的朋友来找出他们认为应该为此事负责的某个人的名字。

Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office.───从点头之交的熟人开始,朋友的朋友,办公室里头的同事。


The discussion groups were relatively open, and many people came along as friends of friends.

They were all friends, or friends of friends, of the original group and highly politicized.