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时间:2022-10-27 20:00:15 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2882字


many happy returns of the day




near Nanshan Commercial Center.───南山商业中心附近。

Shenzhen Fashion Week began at OCT Bay in Nanshan District last Friday.───深圳时装周于上周五在南山区华侨湾开幕。

Mount Nanshan with large green hills, grassland and clear water won high praise from Tao Yuanming.───南山青山绿水,碧水蓝天,它赢得了陶渊明的高度评价。

Spring temporary festival, and I Nanshan one off winter clothing, Mu in the blossoming of the wind, I and my Nanshan intoxicated with.───春临时节,我和南山一道脱去冬衣,沐在如花的风里,我和我的南山一起沉醉。

Is often used together with "shou bi nanshan" .───常常会跟“寿比南山”连用。

And the name was a thick book sale Nanshan of another new school sites within the forest Nga Court recently began buying.───而楼盘名称弥漫着浓浓书香的南山又一新盘学林雅苑近日也开始内部认购。


Nanshan worsted fabric A Guarantee for Excellent Fabric.

Development and testing plant in Shenzhen, Nanshan District Shahe Industrial Zone.

Nanshan District, San Mianhuan sea, adjacent to the Pearl River Estuary.

Fond memories unfurl from the foot of Nanshan!

Nanshan Solitary Tree Plat lies in the southern bank of Yangtze River in Chongqing City.