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时间:2022-10-27 20:03:09 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2901字


11:30 to 1:00


十一点半───half past eleven;一点───one o'clock


The train leaves at half past eleven.───火车将在上午十一点办出发。

They arrived at the station at half past eleven.───他们十一点半到达车站。

We arrived at the station at half past eleven and said goodbye.───我们十一点半到达车站,大家互相道别。

he should have waited for me here with a cabriolet till half - past eleven ; it is twelve , and , tired of waiting , he must have gone on .───我们约定他的一辆轻便马车在这儿等到我十一点半。现在十二点了,他一定是等得不耐烦,先走了。

"Probably-obably-obably about half-past eleven, " said the goose, "Why aren't you asleep, Wilbur? "───“大——大——大概十一点半左右吧。”母鹅说:“威尔伯,你怎么还没睡?”

At half past eleven we had to leave for home.───十一点半我们不得不离开科技馆回家了。


The students turn in at half past eleven.

At half past eleven or so, they were first spotted under a lamp-post at the end of the road.

At half past eleven, tea was made in the back parlour.

He pulled rank and went to bed at half past eleven, leaving me on for the late-night drinks.

An astronomer can predict with absolute accuracy just where every star in the heavens will be at half past eleven tonight.