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时间:2022-10-28 08:00:26 作者:星火作文 字数:2374字


Clock board


钟板───Clock board


There is a clock on the control board of your bed, you can change the time for your getting up.───在你的床头的控制板上有一个闹钟,你自己设定起床时间。

Play games against the clock. Timed board games, cell phone, computer and video games help you think quickly, flexibly and pay attention, which boosts memory.───玩有时间限制的游戏。计时的桌面游戏,手机,电脑,视频游戏能帮助你快速灵活地思考,集中注意力,增强记忆。

This paper mainly analyzes the application of the IBIS model in the system board design and system clock design for mobile computers.───本文主要分析了IBIS模型在移动微机板参设计和在系统时钟设计中的应用。

Design and Analysis for High-Speed and High-Precision Clock Board.───一种高速高精度时钟的设计与分析。

Clock board TOD does not match TOD on any IO board───时钟板与IO板日期不匹配
