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时间:2022-10-28 08:03:16 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2368字


One goes with the other


此消彼长───One goes with the other


the other hand, many services are built with a somewhat generic interface: one string goes in and one string comes out, or plain binary objects are exchanged.───另一方面,很多服务均使用通用接口构建:一个字符串传入,另一个字符串传出,或者交换纯二进制对象。

In baseball it has been found that if one team's pitcher hits a batter with the ball, the likelihood of the other team's pitcher retaliating in kind goes up with the temperature.───在棒球比赛中,人们发现了这样的现象:在一方投手击中了另一方击球手的情况下,对方投手采取报复行为的可能性与温度成正比。

With separated environments, if one server goes down, the other instance on the second server can still be up and connected.───在分隔的环境中,如果一台服务器失效,仍然可以继续并连接第二台服务器上的另一个实例。
