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时间:2022-10-28 08:04:42 作者:星火作文 字数:2627字


Foreign girl


洋妞───Foreign girl


I made friends with a foreign girl last year.───去年我和一名外国女孩交了朋友。

We met a beautiful foreign girl at the panda's home.───我们在熊猫基地遇见了一位漂亮的外国女孩。

a foreign girl living in China gave a very touching answer.───一位住在中国的外国女孩给了一个感人的答案。

They spoke fluent English and played together with foreign children, one of them was a boy who kissed a foreign girl in public.───他们说着流利的英语,与外国小孩打成一片,其中一个男生更是当着众人的面亲吻一个外国女孩

Shirley: Hello. I'm thinking about watching a Chinese traditional opera with a foreign girl. What's on this weekend?───雪莉:你好。我打算和一个外国女孩看一场中国的传统戏剧。这个周末上演什么剧?

I'm thinking about watching a Chinese traditional opera with a foreign girl.───我打算和一个外国女孩看一场中国的传统戏剧。


Foreign girl also get the auto heterodyne!

Now, about my suspicions does a foreign girl know movie stars?