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时间:2022-10-28 12:02:48 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2993字






Why are you fond of publicizing the skeletons in the family closet?───你怎么偏偏喜欢将家丑外扬 呢 ?

Children should drink milk to help them develop strong skeletons.───孩子们应该喝牛奶以帮助增强骨骼.

As expected, vanadium was found in considerably greater quantities in skeletons in the burials of lower-status groups.───正如预期的那样,在较低地位群体墓葬的骨骼中发现的钒要多得多。

Similar observations have been made on other Neanderthal skeletons such as La Ferrassie I and Neanderthal itself.───在其他尼安德特人的骨骼上也曾进行过类似的观察,比如费拉西一世和尼安德特人本身。

I wonder how many other skeletons they've got in their cupboard.───我纳闷他们到底还有些什么家丑.

People give sugar skeletons to each other as gifts.───人们互赠糖果.

It looks like six skeletons in front of that stone door!───在这石头门前看上去就象有六副骨骼!

Skeletons give a sensation of fear.───骷髅给人以恐惧之感.


Only skeletons of buildings remained.

They've found twelve skeletons, some of which date back almost two thousand years.

The finished skeletons flop around festively in the cool fall breeze under the eaves of the fruit stand.

Most families have one or two skeletons in the cupboard.

Only one or two skeletons, in their finery, have collapsed into a mouldering heap on the tiled floor.