Jabba tasked his two competing henchmen to capture the elusive stowaway.───贾巴命令两个勾心斗角的心腹去捉拿逃跑的偷渡者。
And some of his unrepentant and unpunished henchmen still remain at large.───而他手下冥顽不化而未受惩罚的心腹亲信仍有很多还活着。
Like henchmen, they take their share of gold and loot when defeating enemies.───与佣兵一样,英雄会与玩家平分钱、获得的武器等.
Mihgo's henchmen before trading the necklaces.───Mihgo的追随者谈之前不能交易项链。
The company was being run by a group of his henchmen.───公司被一群他的亲信把持着.
There were many henchmen -- runners from an almost imperial throne - to do his bidding.───他有许多来信 —— 几乎象钦差 —— 遵照着他的命令办事.
Sinatra arrived and left in a helicopter with all his henchmen.
Jabba tasked his two competing henchmen to capture the elusive stowaway.
Like other dictators, he tried to distance himself from the dirty deeds carried out by his henchmen.
Once the colossus begins to wobble, the henchmen start to look for their own way out.
Franco and his henchmen had undoubtedly allowed the monarchists to stand in the hope that they would be discredited by defeat.