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时间:2022-10-28 20:03:06 作者:语文迷 字数:2951字


Lotus root sausage


藕───Lotus root;肠───intestines


Lotus root starch was a thin sheet of Lake, texture delicate, rosy in color since.───西湖藕粉呈薄片状, 质地细腻, 色泽自里透红.

Alwin: You are my little lotus root, I love you.───阿尔文: 你是我的小糖莲藕, 我爱你.

Products: lotus root juice, Instant milk powder.───主要产品: 莲藕汁 、 速溶奶粉.

Thinking of lotus root makes me think in turn of water shield.───因为想起藕,又联想到莼莱.

Blanch lotus root slices in boiling water. Remove.───莲藕片放入滚水浸泡后取出.

She just eats the joints of the lotus root when eating it , it's really wasteful.───吃藕时,她只吃藕节, 真是浪费.

Buy: broccoli, cauliflower, red kidney bean, lotus root, frozen strawberry.───采购: 西兰花, 花菜, 红腰果, 藕, 冷冻草莓.

The lotus root snaps But its fiBres stay joined.───藕断丝连.


In some places we have to put radish, lotus root, cockscomb, soybean shoot a class for materials with local characteristics.

Thinking of lotus root makes me think in turn of water shield.

Combine mashed lotus root with octopus, chopped red ginger and corn flour.

Polyphenoloxidase(PPO) activity in lotus root was also estimated, and the results showed the optimum substrate of the PPO was gallic acid.

Peel and slice lotus root and turnip. Chop up chicken, roast duck and roast pork separately.