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时间:2022-10-28 20:05:46 作者:学习啦 字数:2430字


In the third grade of primary school


小学───primary school;三年级───Third grade


Although his formal education stopped after primary school, he was an avid reader.───尽管小学毕业后就再没有受过正规的教育,他却十分爱读书。

Today, salaries for primary school teachers are too low.───现在小学教员的工资太低.

He is a first grade primary school pupil.───他是小学一年级学生.

For nearly four years, since I left primary school.───已接近四年了, 自从我小学毕业之后.

There are only a few elementary lessons in primary school.───小学阶段的基础课就那么几门.

She practised the piano in the primary school basement.───她在小学的地下室里练习弹钢琴。

My father is a headmaster of a primary school.───我父亲是小学校长.

Rongzhou Nanzhuang Primary School was established in 1951, is located in Nanzhuang dissolved Chau Village.───禅城区南庄镇溶洲小学创办于1951年, 地处南庄镇溶洲村.
