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时间:2022-10-29 00:01:22 作者:语文迷 字数:2917字


We went to Jiuzhaigou




Water is part and parcel of Jiuzhaigou's beauty.───水是九寨沟之美的重要组成部分.

And Jiuzhaigou presents another View.───九寨沟风光,却又是另一番景象了.

You know , I'm planning a tour to Jiuzhaigou Valley.───我正打算去九寨沟旅游.

is no wonder that Jiuzhaigou is a stunning fresh picture of landscapes in Sichuan Province!───九寨沟风光,不愧是蜀中又一幅新的山水画卷!

Jiuzhaigou Valley is a nature reserve located in China's Sichuan province.───九寨沟是位于中国四川省的自然保护区.

I'm planning a tour to Jiuzhaigou Valley.───我正打算去九寨沟旅游。

In winter, Jiuzhaigou becomes especially tranquil and serene, poetic and picturesque.───冬日, 九寨沟变得尤为宁静, 尤为充满诗情画意.

Jiuzhaigou is just like an emerald.───九寨沟就像一颗绿宝石.


Jiuzhaigou county, the collection of extensive treasure trove of human resources.

Road from Chuanzhusi to Jiuzhaigou is a key project of Ministry of Communications and Sichuan Province.

Virginal beauty , illusion al reality - that is Jiuzhaigou, one of nature's masterpieces!

Jiuzhaigou is equipped with environment - friendly restrooms and recycle bins.

On Wednesday, the Jiuzhaigou scenic area greeted 8,500 tourists, said a scenic area staff member.