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时间:2022-10-29 00:03:06 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2420字


On a hot summer night


炎热───scorching hot;夏夜───Summer night


What a scorching hot day!───多么酷热的天 啊 !

I spent my day on the scorching hot dust of the road.───我在大路灼热的尘土上消磨了一天.

Many of them orbit precariously close to their parent stars, so they scorching hot.───其中许多行星的轨道距其主恒星极近, 因此这些行星是炽热的.

Bear its blinding light and scorching hot for time to time. Do you like rainbow?───要忍受它有时过于耀眼过于灼热. 你喜欢彩虹 吗 ?

The sun was scorching hot.───骄阳似火.

The sun feels scorching hot.───太阳晒得人热辣辣的。

Soft light thus of scorching hot.───柔和的灯光如此的灼热。


It was scorching hot to touch.

It was scorching hot inside the greenhouse.

It was a scorching hot day.

It was August, and the previous day had been a scorching hot one.