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时间:2022-10-29 04:23:21 作者:星火作文 字数:2830字


My storybook was by my watch just now




Cool ! Look, I have a new storybook.───看, 我有一本新的故事书.

In many ways it was a storybook life. Summers in Salzburg. Weekends hunting in Connecticut.───在很多方面,这都是种童话般的生活。夏天在萨尔茨堡度过。周末在康涅狄格打猎。

I have a storybook. Me too. I have a water bottle. Me too!───我有一本故事书. 我也有. 我有一个新水壶. 我也有.

I read a storybook when I'm angry.───我生气的时候我会读故事书。

Ah, how I envy the simple dating lives of storybook heroines.───啊, 我是多么羡慕故事书中女主人公们的那种简单的恋爱生活啊.

Board a honey pot and join Pooh a whimsical storybook journey through the Hundred Acre Wood.───登上大大的蜜蜂瓮,小熊维尼会带您在百亩森林展开童话式的梦幻探险之旅.

I think they are really a storybook couple.───我认为他们是一对神仙眷侣.

This storybook is very interesting.───这本故事书很有意思.


Here is a storybook for you.

It was not, however, a storybook finish to an illustrious career.

A storybook of a great lion.

Well, so much for a storybook ending.

It would have been storybook stuff if he had won the competition.