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时间:2022-10-29 12:00:22 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2481字


White and purple


白紫色───White and purple


Fields are full of white and purple clover.───白色紫色车轴草,田野里处处飘动。

their clustering leaves below White and purple violets grow.───报春的一簇簇叶子下面长出了白紫两色的紫罗兰。

Color purple, lilac or violet, and purple and blue with white and purple, white and purple for the majority.───花色紫、淡紫或蓝紫,也有白色紫红及蓝紫色,以白色和紫色为居多。

Send her a basket of violets, or a huge bunch of white and purple lilacs for her bedroom, in a Baccarat cut crystal vase.───送她的紫罗兰,或白,她的卧室一束紫丁香巨大的篮子,在百家乐切割水晶花瓶。

My favorite animal is the rabbit, the most popular color is white and purple, the biggest love of food is ice cream.───我最喜欢的动物是兔子,最喜爱的颜色是白色和淡紫,最大爱的食物是冰淇凌。


Fields are full of white and purple clover.