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时间:2022-10-29 20:00:26 作者:语文迷 字数:3010字


Visit grandma


老老奶奶───Old granny;看望───visit


My old granny always used to edge her table-cloths with lace.───我的老祖母过去总是用花边给她的桌布镶边。

The old granny talked endlessly, but we listened to her with great patience.───老奶奶叨絮不休,不过我们还是耐心地听着。

And my dear old Granny?───还有我亲爱的老奶奶?

She heard the neighbor, an old granny, standing beside her bed sighing: "Alas, poor little girl, how come to be scalded like this? "───她听到邻床的老太太站在床边叹息,摇头说,“唉,可怜的孩子,怎么烫成这样?”

The girl ran up to the old woman, took the basket from her2 and said, "Old granny, let me go with you to your son's home. "───这个小女孩跑到老奶奶跟前,接过篮子说:“老奶奶,让我送你到你儿子家去吧。”

When the bus stopped smoothly, an old granny with a stick got up. It's seems that her eyes is not well.───车子停稳后,上来一个拄着拐杖的老太太,好像眼睛还不大好使,弓着背。


The old granny put her needlework aside and picked up a newspaper.

But be careful, too much powder can make you look like an old granny with grey hair!

Instead she moved permanently into the camp, living in a caravan with an old granny called Madge.

My poor old granny isn't in her right mind half the time.

The old granny talked endlessly, but we listened to her with great patience.