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时间:2022-10-30 00:02:24 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2560字


Pan Pan


瀽瓮番盆───Pan Pan


Pan Nationalism formed Pan-Slavism in the region of Slab of East Europe.───泛民族主义在东欧大平原地区形成了泛斯拉夫主义。

was Pan he wanted, Pan and Wendy and their band, but chiefly Pan.───他要的是潘,潘、温迪和他们的乐队,但主要是潘。

pan: pan of product at each screw machine; painted red to indicate that it is scrap. Red pan product is returned to Canton for reprocessing.───红盘:在车丝机上铁盘里的产品,涂抹红色表示它是废料。红盘产品需要被返送到坎顿回收再生。

Lovely Pan-Pan with a round little face, she was very easy and close to others, not so recognized health.───可爱的盼盼有一张圆圆的小脸,她很容易和别人亲近,不那么认生。

Mining area adjacent to the north, pan pan, east to coal F35 fault is employed.───矿区西邻潘三矿,北邻潘二矿,东以F35断层为界线。

Heat olive oil in pan. Pan fry 1 tsp of fennel seeds with 1 star anise for 1 minute or until fragrant.───在锅里加热两勺橄榄油。放小半勺茴香和大料,炒一分钟或至香味飘出。
