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时间:2022-10-30 00:05:20 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3147字


Xinhua News Agency


新华社───Xinhua News Agency


China now has l,864 wild pandas in total, according to the Xinhua News Agency.───据新华社报道,中国目前共有1864只野生大熊猫。

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 3, by wire ( reporter Liang Zhou )───新华社北京三月三日电 ( 记者周亮 )

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, Dec. 17, by wire ( reporter Anding Li )───新华社北京十二月十七日电 ( 记者李安定 )

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, March 6, by wire ( reporter Hongyang Wang )───新华社上海三月六日电 ( 记者汪洪洋 )

The Xinhua news agency says Zheng Xiaoyu was executed this Tuesday morning.───新华社报导说,郑筱萸星期二早上被处决.

Xinhua News Agency, Belgrade, August 31, by wire ( reporter Sen Wang )───新华社贝尔格莱德8月31日电 ( 记者王森 )

Xinhua News Agency, Huhhot, March 2, by wire ( reporter Tao He )───新华社呼和浩特三月二日电 ( 记者何涛 )

Xinhua News Agency, Xining, January 3, by wire ( reporter Hongwei Xu )───新华社西宁一月三日电 ( 记者徐鸿伟 )


The state - controlled Xinhua news agency called it China's biggest software copyright infringement case.

Xinhua News Agency formed in 1931 bears direct relation to this historical event.

Xinhua News Agency reporter on the scene saw India Marines from the building in Nariman over the long-armed helicopters hovering over the roof of the building down.

He spoke in the person of Xinhua News Agency.

The Xinhua News Agency said five power stations were put out of action and six transformer substations were shut down in Sichuan.