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时间:2022-10-30 03:59:45 作者:学习啦 字数:2443字


Reference note


咨注───Reference note


Probably not—perhaps one in 10,000 speakers of European languages has perfect pitch, the ability to recognize a note without having heard any reference note first.───或许不能,在印欧语系中,1万个人中大概只有一个人有这样的乐感,不用听基准音就能识别出音阶。

Note the repository location for future reference.───注意库的位置以备将来参考。

Note that you can use closures and reference variables later too.───注意,稍后您也可以使用闭包和引用变量。

Anyone who is a not a reference note date file, the latest version (including any amendments) shall apply to this standard.───凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括任何修改)适用于本标准。


Probably not—perhaps one in 10,000 speakers of European languages has perfect pitch, the ability to recognize a note without having heard any reference note first.